Alexandre Genette
Scientific Mediator and Data & AI Project Manager at the Maison de l’Intelligence Artificielle
Alfred Hermida
Award-winning online news pioneer, digital media scholar and journalism professor
Federica Cherubini
Director of Leadership Development at the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism
Gérald Holubowicz
Journalist, media consultant & educator
Khalil A. Cassimally
Head of Audience Insights at The Conversation
Kristoffer Hecquet
Head of Development Projects for Technologiens Mediahus
Laura Hertzfeld
Writer, Editor, Producer
Madhav Chinnappa
Senior executive consultant
Marine Doux
Media Consultant
Marion Wyss
Co-founder Poool & The Audiencers
Martin Schori
Deputy editor Aftonbladet
Mattia Peretti
ICFJ Knight Fellow & Founder of News Alchemists
Moïse Morard
Creator & CEO of Nonli