IQ Media, a European project on artificial intelligence and data journalism

ChatGPT, data investigations, solution journalism…

Newsrooms are changing, and with them journalistic practices. To meet the challenges of AI and shape the journalism of tomorrow, the National & Kapodistrian University of Athens coordinates the IQ Media Hub, alongside Nice-Matin, Kathimerini, Liquid Media Group, AlphaTV Cyprus, Associação Portuguesa de Imprensa).

 Academy, think tank, and European cooperation

 IQ Media is supported by the European Union and rests on 3 pillars:

-An academy for journalists and editors around data journalism and AI.

-European collaborations.

-An R&D Lab, a think tank coordinated by Nice-Matin.

For the next two years, editorial teams and academics will be working together on a strategic and sustainable digital transformation.

How can new technologies be appropriated and used in the world of the press?

What prospects do they open up?

What safeguards should be put in place?

These are the questions we aim to answer. 

Join us!

“The R&D Lab is a think tank open to all editorial teams and experts involved in innovation”, says Sophie Casals, deputy editor-in-chief and coordinator of the think tank. Whether you’re an editorial staff member or a media expert, if you’d like to share your experiences and ideas and take part in the think tank, you’re more than welcome. You can also subscribe to our innovation newsletter, and take part in the masterclasses and the 2 conferences to be held in Nice at the end of 2024 and in Athens in 2025.

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