Kathimerini holds investigative journalism workshop with CCIJ

A workshop on investigative journalism was held in Kathimerini, as part of the IQ Media project implemented with funding from the EU.

Jeff Kelly Lowenstein, the founder and executive Director of the Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism (CCIJ), who has earned numerous awards and honors for his investigative reporting and educational work,  visited the group’s offices and met with a group of journalists to exchange opinions on investigative journalism.

As part of the workshop, Lowenstein introduced the CCIJ team members who come from Africa, Latin America, Asia, Europe and North America, and shared some of the work done at the Center, the challenges and the successes faced by the journalists, but also the lessons they learned during their research journey. He also presented research on the global lottery industry that began in 2017 and continues to be enriched with award-winning stories. It involved close to 40 people from 10 countries working in journalism and civic tech organizations in Africa, Europe and the United States. The journalists of Kathimerini, for their part, presented their own experience by opening a dialogue on the subject of investigative journalism while simultaneously exploring the possibilities of producing topics together.

“It was an honor to spend time with some of the leaders of Kathimerini and to share some of the exciting work our terrific team at the Center for Collaborative Investigative Journalism (CCIJ) is doing,” said Lowenstein.

“At CCIJ we seek to impact policy and discourse on key global issues. We do this by bringing together visual, data and investigative journalists as equal partners to carry out ongoing investigations into critical topics. We have a strong commitment to working with and learning from journalists who might not otherwise have a chance to participate in these projects. I’m optimistic that the initial session has strong potential to lead toward an ongoing connection between our two organizations,” he added.